XML Editor app软件简介
Application list all XML files present on phone. We can use this app to Create, Edit, Download, Validate and Share(text) XML files.About XML: Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a kind of markup language, which defines a set of rules for encoding documents in human readable and machine readable formats.It is defined by the XML1.0 of the W3C
XML Editor app功能特性
[1] and by several other related specifications,
[2] all of which are free open standards.
[3] the design goal of XML emphasizes simplicity, generality and availability across the Internet.
[4] It is a text data format that provides powerful support for different human languages through Unicode.Although XML is designed primarily for documents, it is widely used to represent arbitrary data structures
[5] such as those used in web services.There are multiple architectural systems to help define XML-based languages, and many application programming interfaces (API) are developed to help process XML data.source: wiki
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